The Evolution of Portage Electric Products, Inc.


Recently I became the fourth member of the Wehl family to be named President and CEO of Portage Electric Products, Inc. As was true with my grandfather, father, and brother before me, it was not necessarily a day for celebration, but rather reflection on how our family has built this company piece-by-piece, decision-by-decision. 

Many of you knew my brother, Brandon. For those who didn’t, he was as fine a guiding light as a sister could have. I worked with him shoulder-to-shoulder for over 30 years and wish he had 30 more years to spend with us. But he didn’t. 

Thankfully, he left behind a strong international company with operations in America, Mexico, China, Hong Kong, Germany, Japan and the Netherlands. It is an independent company with a history of innovation and a three-generation commitment to producing the most reliable thermal controls available. I fully intend to continue this legacy as we grow Portage Electric Products into a new era.

Looking back, I can see that my father, Glenn Wehl, set the independent tone for the family. He, with the assistance of my Grandfather, started Portage Electric as a group of Electrical Engineering consultants, first located in a modest building on Portage Street in North Canton, Ohio. He was an irrepressible innovative force. He saw the potential in a miniature thermal control the company developed for one client. In rapid-fire succession he developed a complete line of bimetallic thermal controls and built sophisticated production capabilities in a new North Canton manufacturing campus.

My brother, Brandon, was next in line and is responsible for our global expansion. It was his vision to make Portage Electric into a trusted resource for virtually any type of thermal control. His steady hand and engineering mindset left the company on solid financial and technical footing.

Now it’s my turn, and with the help of an outstanding group of people including many who’ve been with us since my father’s time, we will continue seeking new frontiers in the thermal control industry. There will be some changes to meet new challenges. Change has been an important part of our history. However, we will not change our commitment to quality products and reliable service. Portage Electric Products, Inc. will always be a company proud to say, “We come through when the heat is on.” Three generations of my family have made it their mission to produce the most reliable thermal controls available. I look forward to building on the foundation they laid. 

Thermally Yours,
Kim Ziegler, President and CEO

Mark Spaner